
As you probably know, the final installment of the Harry Potter series, entitled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, arrived in stores yesterday. Who else over the age of 12 ran out that day and bought it? Please everyone reassure me that I'm not the only one.
(And Joe, I was thinking: it would help a lot in situations like this if we opened up commenting to the world at large. It might be time to make this leap of faith.)


ApexTek said...


You were not the only one. I was at Borders on Friday night and can say I witnessed all that was Harry Potter mania.

I did have a few comments though;

1-The Borders I went to was completely disorganized. They began handing out wrist bands at 9am that supposedly would correspond to your place in line later that evening.
I say supposedly for a couple of reasons... First, that would mean that they even began lining up people before midnight, which they did not. Then when they did line people up they chose to ignore the numbers and actually said, "Anybody in the 17000 range of wristbands line up here." That had to be a couple hundred people. That really pissed me off as I went to Nerdicon 2007 at 9:30pm with my wristband from 9am only to get nothing for it, other than my book. It may have been midnight, but I actually had plans that night so I was not pleased.

2-I have no problems with kids dressing up as characters. It was sort of fun to watch the contests and other fanfare. What I had trouble with was every 18-65 year old who owned a stick thinking that it was a good idea to call it a magic wand and come in dressed up. There were dowels, branches and even pick up sticks. If you want to do that kind of thing, I think you either go to the nerd store and by a wand or just don't do it.

3-Anyway, the nerds blocked my access to the other books for most of the evening so that bummed me out as well.

4-Despite all of this, I was still excited the book is out. It made me quite happy and Cat has already finished it. I am on page 100.
As a side note the blog is now open to comments, however they will be moderated.

Keith said...

I just finished the book, and I was definitely pleased with how she ended the series.

I totally cracked up at your description of Nerdicon and the wand-bearers... I on the other hand just walked into Borders on Saturday morning and walked out 10 minutes later with my copy. :)

Anonymous said...

I had the book shipped day of... where does that leave me?

ApexTek said...

Since the world of Harry Potter fans extends beyond nerd-dom, I think you are OK.

Jess said...

Okay, so I'm late in my reaction to this, but Joe, I'll put on a button down shirt and tie and say there was metaphorical traffic...I have to say, I don't really quite get the intense phenomena surrounding the Harry Potter series, but maybe that's my own loss because I simply have no interest in picking up one of the books...I can see why kids would be really taken with the whole thing, and how marketing would play into all that--I was, after all a self admitted New Kids on the BLock fanatic at age 11, and thrived on all the media attnetion they got. Now, I realize I may have just pissed off tens of thousands of people by putting Harry Potter in the same paragraph as New Kids on the Block, but please bare in mind, this is not a comparison, only a reflection of something from my personal past that puts me in mind of the media induced hype. I realize my views are not really fair, seeing as my only exposure to the Potter series was watching the first movie, which I thought was "ok"--kind of like luke warm soup. BUT, to all the obsessed Harry Potter fans out there, enjoy--I know its hard to believe, but I can have an obsessive side for certain things as well... ;)

My only question..why did the babysitters club series never receive this much hype??? :)

Keith said...

Better watch your back.

Unknown said...

Buy cheap Viagra at low low prices! Wait, I mean... hooray, the blog is open for comments!

Almost finished with HP 7. I didn't get the hype through the first 3, but the last 4 have really been fantastic reads for all ages. I also like that people can be entertained by people with good values. TV could learn from that.