I fell in love with a girl at the rock show

Vicky and I went to see some rock and roll music tonight at a tiny venue near my office called The School of Rock. Apparently it is a music school of some sort that has punk rock/hardcore shows to pay the bills. Tonight's lineup was noodley keyboard popsters Paulson, Hardy hard hardcore band Modern Life Is War, screamy retro southern rockers Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, and hardcore cock-rock purveyors He Is Legend. Apparently some of these bands are into Jesus, but that did not stop the rock from being brought.

I gotta tell ya, man, I must be getting old. But I was amazed at some of the feats of derring-do by these young rock and roll fans. Now I've seen the typical stage dives, crowd surfing, circle pits, arm-windmill-moshy stuff. But tonight I saw two feats that impressed me. A young man ascended to the stage, got behind Modern Life Is War's singer as he was leaning down to get into a lyric, and did a leapfrog thing over him into the pit below. Awesome. Later, I saw half the crowd get up onstage and lift Maylene's singer up into the air, with him standing on their hands and doing the Creed "with arms wide open" stance. Yeah you know the one, quit pretending like you don't.

Anyway, bands rocked the house and I left early because I'm old. Anyhoo, you can check out the aforementioned bands here (though I imagine that this might not be the Egypt 6 readership's cup of tea):
He Is Legend
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Modern Life Is War


ApexTek said...

Since the goal is to open up the Egypt6 Community, I think this is quite appropriate and awesome! I am a big fan of anyone who leaps over a singer into a crowd.

This actually reminds me of a recent experience I had at one of Cat's performances of Sweeney Todd at the Annapolis Summer Garden Theater (http://www.summergarden.com/). During one scene there are lunatics that break out of an asylum and begin running through the
"streets" a.k.a. the audience. Obviously this leads to some audience participation. Unbeknownst to me, one of the actors is talking before the show to Cat and says, "I think I am going to scare Joe tonight." Cat responds, half joking and says, "Why don't you lick him instead."
No realizing this was a joke, the guy actually runs past my seat that evening next to the aisle, come back and begins to do his deed. What he didn't expect, and I surely did not expect, was that in coming back he tripped and instead of getting my face, he licked me in the ear. YUCK! I didn't realize anything happened until a moment later what I said to myself in order, "Who was that?" "Why am I wet?" and finally, "What's wrong with my ear?" I spent the rest of the show trying to clear my ear as I was convinced that there was something in it long after it happened.

Anyway, who says musical theater isn't as exciting as rock concerts? I know, I'm old too.

Jess said...

I like Creed. Don't know about old--maybe I'm just boring. ;)

Keith said...

The pit antics are even more impressive when you consider that the crowd at the front of the stage was fairly sparse, and so when I say someone jumped "into the crowd" I mean they pretty much jumped onto the floor.

As for your story, the strangest part is how it would have been better for the guy to lick you on the face than on the ear. Personally I don't think I have a preference of where I'd like to be licked by a man. :D

ApexTek said...

I am not saying that I wanted this to happen or anything, but my preference would not to be violated in my ear since it seemed to linger more than if it was a conventional lick you can just wipe away.

Anyway, as a follow up, last night was the end of the run for the show and everyone was saying their goodbyes at the cast party. John, the man in question who licked me, came up to give me a hug and say goodbye and needless to say I flinched. The funny part was that at first I thanked him for making this experience "memorable" and then he thanked me as well saying, "It certainly gave me something to put on my blog." I laughed and said me too!"