Musical inspiration

As some of you are no doubt aware, I made it a sort of new year's resolution this year to write an album (or at least an EP) worth of songs, and arrange/record/mix an album. Mostly just to prove myself that I could actually see a project like that through from start to finish.

However, recently I've hit a creative wall. I'm two songs in, and it's March already, and inspiration isn't exactly flowing like an avalanche coming down the mountain.

So here's where I ask for help from the Egypt 6 readership. Any song ideas? I'll entertain any ideas, serious or otherwise. My last two song topics/inspirations were 1) exploring Weird NJ sites as a teenager, and 2) H.G. Wells' The Time Machine. So it's not like I'm going for some sort of common theme here. Thanks in advance!


AJ said...

I think you should do a defense of New Jersey. There's so many songs about wanting to get out of Jersey (Less Than Jake and Bruce Springsteen come to mind), but not many songs about the awesomeness of The Garden State. What do you think?

Keith said...

It could come off as cheesy, but I like the idea. I did do a song about Big Red Eye, the NJ version of Bigfoot, haha.