Rise Against "The Sufferer and the Witness"

This post marks what could be a turning point in the life of Egypt 6. A bold statement perhaps. But in the past I've been concerned with posting material that is of the highest quality, that will start a conversation, that will appeal to the small readership (really one person in the end; two if Audrey still has us as an RSS feed, and three if Jess still checks it out from time to time). But that hasn't been working, so it's time for me to just start posting random crap and see what happens. I've never been good at blogging, but who knows, let's see what happens.


It took me a while to get into Rise Against; I had an album of theirs called "Siren Song of the Counter Culture," and really only liked one song off it. And so when Vicky had been telling me how great the latest album from them is, I kind of shrugged it off.

Holy poop.

This album is seriously a fucking revelation. A real throwback to anthemic skate punk like I used to see on the Warped Tour and hear on Epitaph Punk-O-Rama compilations. I throw this on the iPod in my car and it's like, maybe I can take on the world today. Maybe it is the right day to start a revolution. Of course, then I get to work, sit at my desk, and punk rock dreams fade away. But I digress. :)

I was going to say that every song on here is a potential single, but then I remembered that terrestrial rock radio doesn't play new music anymore. Maybe they're big on Sirius, who knows. Anyway, this album is great. 4 stars out of 5 (I reserve 5 stars for something unique; these guys aren't reinventing the wheel here, just doing simple music well). Joe might even like it... or at least it will bring him back to our wonderful year as roommates! Haha.


ApexTek said...

Do you have a sample I can find somewhere? I am interested, especially after your synopsis.

As a side note, I wanted to address the issue of our year as roommates...

From a music standpoint I am very appreciative of that year, as it opened me up to a whole new genre of music and actually helped me get a better understanding of what music I really like. I think too many people, especially those tied to terrestrial radio, believe they like a certain genre only because it is what they are used to.

The Internet is certainly helping people branch out, but nothing beats just listing to something your friend is playing and asking, "what is that?"

Anyway, that is my two cents.

As another side note, if you really want to revolutionize the blog, you can open it to the public. It isn't being cataloged by the search engine so the readership really is me, you, Audrey and maybe twice a year Jess. (Jess, just kidding... maybe.)

Keith said...

First off, here's their Myspace page:
You can arrow down to the album and, it looks like, listen to all the tracks off the album (my favorites are "Survive" and "Prayer of the Refugee"). They have a new album coming out soon too, it appears.

That's actually really cool, what you said about being roommates, because I guess I always hoped it was like that. I suppose that I sort of viewed it as my mission back then, to get people listening to less mainstream music... which was probably pretty annoying :), but it's cool that it had a positive effect.
Speaking of music, were there any hits out of the music I gave you last time you were here? I sent you home with like a third of my music collection.

Finally, I do like the idea of opening up the blog, but maybe I'll wait a month or so to really build up the quantity of posts, so that people have something to read if they find it.